Cwtch: A Welsh word for a cuddly hug, that is so much more than just that. It is something that makes you feel safe, warm and comforted.

Why a blanket?

The reasoning behind choosing a blanket

  • For a mum it is a practical but pretty gift, keeping her baby warm but also looks pretty. It is also often easier to accept a gift for your child than it is to accept a gift for yourself as a mother.

  • It provides a big cwtch to both baby and mum. Physically it provides a hug and comfort to a baby, and metaphorically it provides the same for a mother from those who have made it, standing alongside her.

  • It is a big enough item that when making it, it allows the creator time to be mindful of who they are making it for, but not too much time it feels like a chore.

  • Blankets can be made beautifully using very simple patterns, which is great for new learners.

  • A blanket design allows creativeness and personality to be shown through it, as no two handmade blankets are exactly the same. Because whilst this is a project encouraging us all to stand together, is also a project that wants to celebrate the uniqueness and story of every individual involved.